
Показано дописи з квітень, 2024

Russia's Connection to Havana Syndrome: Fact, Fiction, or In-Between?

  Russia's Connection to Havana Syndrome: Fact, Fiction, or In-Between? ecency.com 12 min April 18, 2024 View Original One of the most common arguments among Russian assets in the West, other than the outdated lies about "Ukrainian Nazis" of course, (1)  is the claim that the West is making excuses to attack "poor, innocent Russia" who they claim was never hostile toward the West. Attempts to define what possible motive they ascribe to this alleged "anti-Russian hostility" range from "because Russia resists Western hegemony" to conspiracy theories about some Soros-and-Rothschild-led "New World Order" which is never fully defined other than "because we don't have a platform other than 'the mainstream's gotta be wrong some way or another even if we can't explain how, and our views won't make sense unless you take it as axiomatic gospel that there is some sort of shadowy globe-spanning conspiracy behind them....